7 Secrets of a Confident Woman
Confidence does not come from having the best looks, best job or best life. I truly believe confidence is built from falling in love with your weakness and discovering all your strengths. Confidence is knowing what you have to offer and understanding that you were created authentically for a reason.
Confident women, like the women you look up in any given day, all have an unbreakable self assurance that you admire. I like to see myself as a very confident woman, reason being I tend to attract other confident women into my network. It is not hard to see that there are similar mindsets, habits and beliefs among these women. Do you want to know their secret?
7 Secrets of a Confident Woman
1) A confident woman minds her own business
Some people are not happy with themselves because they are too busy comparing their short comings to other peoples success. A confident woman focuses on herself. She becomes the woman it takes to achieve her own unique purposes, vision or goals. She knows that it does no good to compare herself to other women, in any way. A confident woman stands for what she brings to the table, and does not need what others have.
2) A confident woman is aware of the love surrounding her
She wraps herself in the love of her family, friends, children and spouse. A Confident woman also has self love that illuminates, it is usually what makes her so appealing.
3) A confident woman refuses to be defeated
Nothing can be done laying on the floor. A confident woman will make an effort to learn from her adversities, let go of what doesn't support her growth and then move forward. They may be hurt for a little while but she uses the pain to drive her NOT as a way out.
4) A confident woman finds a way, not an excuse
Whenever a confident woman does not have the answers, she looks for answers. Whenever she does not have the skill or competency, she develops them. A confident women refuses to live by her excuses, she finds a way to make things happen. She is solution focused.
* She doesn’t say
…if only I had more money
…if only I had more friends
…if only I had the time
…if only I had someone to help me
* She does say
…I will find the money
…I am going to meet more people
… I have the time, I will make the time
…I will do what I can and seek out support
5) A confident woman won't let fear stop her
Feel the fear and JUMP anyway. A confident woman is no super hero (well half :)) she just really knows what she wants and goes after it. I believe the moment you let fear run your live you fall short of all the many possibilities that are lined up for you. A confident woman confronts her fears with huge faith and her press on.
6) A confident woman has a positive attitude
A Confident woman values a positive, happy and successful live; therefore she protects her mind and environment from negativity. She understands that more will come from thinking positive, because confidence and negativity do not mix.
7) A Confident woman inspires, supports or uplifts others
A confident woman does not find entertainment in gossip, criticism, or hate. Speaking from my own experience, I want to see as many women have the sense of self confidence and self love. A confident woman wants others to feel good, feel empowered and feel included.