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  • Any ladies feeling a bit ‘meh’ about their job and who sometimes wish the photocopier would just swallow them whole so they could be done with it.
  • Boss Ladies who are in for the long haul, and building their empires.
  • Boss Ladies in the early stages of their businesses who are a bit stuck and need a friendly kick up the butt to push them in the right direction.
  • Boss Ladies who need to reignite their love affair with their businesses, gain a fresh perspective and who need a helping hand to grow their empires to where they want them to be.
  • Any men who like to be reminded of how mind blowingly amazing we women are.
We don't have to fit into the 9-5 mediocre box, because we women are capable of mind blowing things, way more than we probably give ourselves credit for. In actual fact, if we have a passion for something, if we work at that passion so we can be the best at it that we can be and if we can figure out how to make money from that passion, there are no limits to what we can achieve.

  • Pop The Champagne is all about inspiring the ambitious go-getters who want something more from life than just your average nine to five to have the confidence in their abilities to build businesses from their passions and talents.
  • Pop The Champagne is a blog to help you get to where you want to be; to give you the confidence to believe that you can and will kick a*s in your career, to give you the tools to help you build a killer business and to give you the life hacks to help you bring your A-Game every day.
  • Pop The Champagne is all about sharing each other’s success stories, knowing that anther woman’s triumph’s doesn’t dampen our own and knowing that we achieve so much more when we lift one another up.
  • Pop The Champagne will be a window into the mistakes, the amazing moments, and the times we've questioned everything. 
  • Inspiring articles to give you the confidence to kickstart your next chapter.
  • Inspiring quotes
  • An honest glimpse into my journey
  • Interviews with Bada*s Boss Ladies who will share their advice on how they got to where they are today.
  • Life hacks to get you more productive, to give you the confidence of Kanye West and to enable you to bring you’re a-game every day.

I crave an outlet to be open and honest. I have so much to share from my own story and I think it is from the not so great moments that we learn the most. I don’t want other women entrepreneurs to be thinking they’re alone when they question themselves and what they’re doing. When we face rejection and when things don’t go as planned, we should be there for one another! We’re in this together!

Having your own business and being your own boss may not be for everyone and I’m not trying to pretend that the road to building an empire is an easy one. But, if you are passionate enough about something, have enough motivation to make it succeed and are willing to put in the graft, amazing things can and will inevitably happen.

Women in business are only just scraping the surface of all that we are able to accomplish but here is to an optimistic future where we show the world exactly who is boss.



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