Punch Fear in the Face!

Today I am punching fear in the face.

For a few years now I have been really insecure about putting myself out into the world and following a dream.

There have been so many excuses:
  • Do I have time to start another blog?
  • My business is new, should I really add more to my plate? 
  • What will other people think?
  • Do I really have anything to share? 

Fellow boss ladies, because of you I am pushing these fears aside right now. It doesn’t matter if I am busy, new, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.

I feel so blessed to be able to pursue my passions daily and have the opportunity to help you do the same. I want to share my journey with you and help you create a life you love no matter if you are at you are new, busy, or if you are wondering whether you are good enough.

Starting a female entrepreneur journey blog has been a dream of mine since I began my own entrepreneurial journey. I craved a community where like minded boss ladies could come together and share their own stories, empower other women, and build each other up!

You know that scene in Home Alone where Macaulay Culkin is preparing for battle to protect his house from intruders? He walks outside and yells, “I’m not afraid anymore!”

That’s me. Standing in front of you shouting –

I’m not afraid anymore!

The truth is that if you’re waiting until you’re no longer scared to put yourself out there, you’ll never put yourself out there. 

Starting something new is risky, often uncomfortable and more often than not a little crazy. But the people who win in business and life, they do it anyway. Yes, you might fail. I have failed plenty of times. Yes, people may criticize you. I know I already have some haters. But I truly believe you can’t do great things without failure or criticism.

This is me punching fear in the face. Join me? 

Share with me this week what actions you are going to take to overcome your biggest fear or tell me how you punched fear in the face.




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